3 Ways To Reduce Your Energy Usage With Solar Panels
When you install solar panels on your home, your solar panels should be capable of providing your home with the energy it needs. However, your solar panels only create a certain amount of energy, which means if you want to fully depend upon your solar batteries and solar panels for energy, you may need to take steps to reduce the overall energy output of your home.
Way #1: Switch to LED Lights
The first switch you should make is changing out all your light bulbs for LED lights. LED lights use significantly less energy than older styles of lightbulbs, and they don't generate very much heat either, which can help keep your house keep cool in the summer.
You are going to have your lights on during the evening when you are relying on the solar energy that is stored in your battery packs, not on active solar energy that is being generated live. The evening hours are when you want to conserve energy the most, and using LED lights is a simple way to reduce your energy consumption in the evening.
Way #2: Use Infrared Heat
When you rely on solar energy, you want to make sure you are using a form of heat that is energy efficient. Many modern HVAC systems require the use of way too much power to be a great choice for a solar-powered home. You want an effective heating system that doesn't use too much energy or power.
A great heating option is infrared radiators. Infrared heat doesn't warm up the air; instead, it warms up the objects in the room. This is a more efficient way of heating up space and doesn't require as much energy as a typical HVAC system.
Way #3: Run High-Energy Appliances During the Day
During the day, you are generating the greatest amount of solar energy. In most homes, the daytime is when the least amount of energy is consumed. When you run your home on solar power, that means you need to switch some high-energy tasks from the evening to the day.
Instead of running your dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer during the day, try running them during the evening. This will help lower your energy consumption in the evenings when you are relying on your batteries to power your home.
Switching to solar panels will allow you to generate your own energy. Once you start generating your own energy and powering your home on your own, you will need to be more conscious of how you use energy in your home. Contact a solar company in your area to learn more.